How can high dose melatonin impact Mycosis Fungoides?

Mycosis fungoides (MF) is the most common form of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, characterized by malignant T cells that primarily affect the skin. The treatment for MF is varied, involving topical therapies, phototherapy, radiation, and systemic treatments. Melatonin, a hormone primarily produced by the pineal gland, has been explored for its potential anti-cancer properties, including for … More How can high dose melatonin impact Mycosis Fungoides?

Explain mycosis fungoidus to an engineer

Mycosis fungoides is a type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma that primarily affects the skin. As an engineer, understanding this condition involves grasping its clinical and pathological aspects in a structured manner: Clinical Understanding: Pathological Features: Engineering Perspective: Understanding mycosis fungoides through this structured lens helps bridge medical knowledge with engineering principles, enabling a clearer comprehension and … More Explain mycosis fungoidus to an engineer

A Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) program and a Mechanical Integrity (MI) program are both essential components of industrial safety and maintenance, but they focus on different aspects.

Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) Program12: Mechanical Integrity (MI) Program34: Similarities: Differences:

Understanding Wildfire Progression: Spotting vs. Flame Front Burning

Wildfires are complex phenomena that involve a variety of processes and behaviors. Two key aspects of wildfire progression are “spotting” and the burning of the flame front. Understanding these concepts is crucial for predicting fire behavior and implementing effective fire management strategies. Spotting in Wildfires “Spotting” refers to the process where wind, either arising from … More Understanding Wildfire Progression: Spotting vs. Flame Front Burning

What is HTHA?

HTHA stands for High Temperature Hydrogen Attack, which is a degradation mechanism that affects steels exposed to hydrogen at elevated temperatures and pressures. HTHA can cause cracking and failure of the steel, especially in welds and stressed areas¹. HTHA occurs when atomic hydrogen penetrates the steel and reacts with the carbon present to form methane … More What is HTHA?

Underground Fire Main Leak “Management”

In the natural gas distribution industry, underground leaks can be devastating. Or they can be harmless. The industry has techniques to detect underground gas leaks and when someone smells gas, everyone knows that the leak must be found before harm comes. Fire main leaks can seem harmless. The problem comes when the leak causes the … More Underground Fire Main Leak “Management”

Flow Battery Basics and Examples

Introduction Flow batteries are a type of rechargeable battery that store and release energy through chemical reactions involving liquid electrolytes. Unlike conventional batteries, flow batteries separate the energy storage medium (the electrolytes) and the energy conversion device (the electrochemical cell). This allows for independent scaling of power and energy, as well as long cycle and … More Flow Battery Basics and Examples

Risks to Wind Turbines: A Tightrope Walk for Risk Engineers

Wind energy, once a niche player in the energy landscape, has become a mainstream force. Its clean, renewable nature is undeniable, but harnessing the wind’s power comes with its own set of challenges. For risk engineers in the energy industry, wind turbines present a unique tightrope walk – balancing the potential benefits with the very … More Risks to Wind Turbines: A Tightrope Walk for Risk Engineers

Risk Management Decisions

Here is a cheat sheet for new risk engineers that provides the framework for making risk management decisions in a refinery: Source: Conversation with Bing, 12/4/2023(1) NIST Risk Management Framework | CSRC. Management system standards for oil and gas industry – ISO. 4. Risk – Aramco. Risk Management in the Oil and … More Risk Management Decisions