A Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) program and a Mechanical Integrity (MI) program are both essential components of industrial safety and maintenance, but they focus on different aspects.

Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) Program12: Mechanical Integrity (MI) Program34: Similarities: Differences:

What is HTHA?

HTHA stands for High Temperature Hydrogen Attack, which is a degradation mechanism that affects steels exposed to hydrogen at elevated temperatures and pressures. HTHA can cause cracking and failure of the steel, especially in welds and stressed areasĀ¹. HTHA occurs when atomic hydrogen penetrates the steel and reacts with the carbon present to form methane … More What is HTHA?

Underground Fire Main Leak “Management”

In the natural gas distribution industry, underground leaks can be devastating. Or they can be harmless. The industry has techniques to detect underground gas leaks and when someone smells gas, everyone knows that the leak must be found before harm comes. Fire main leaks can seem harmless. The problem comes when the leak causes the … More Underground Fire Main Leak “Management”

Thermal Runaway

Thermal runaway is a serious safety issue that affects lithium-ion batteries, which are widely used in various applications such as electric vehicles, smartphones, laptops, and grid storage. Thermal runaway is a phenomenon in which the lithium-ion cell enters an uncontrollable, self-heating state that can result in extremely high temperatures, violent cell venting, smoke and fire12. Thermal … More Thermal Runaway

Transformer Replacement Program for Refineries

Developing a program for refinery transformer replacements involves careful planning and consideration of various factors. Here’s a structured approach: 1. Assessment and End-of-Life Criteria: 2. Timeline and Maintenance Influences: 3. Planning and Coordination: 4. Risk Mitigation: 5. Documentation and Reporting: 6. Continuous Improvement: By following this structured program, the refinery can effectively manage transformer replacements, … More Transformer Replacement Program for Refineries

The most common risk recommendations for Chemical Manufacturers.

When conducting risk assessments for chemical manufacturing plants, insurance company risk engineers often make recommendations to enhance safety and reduce potential risks. Here are some common risk reduction suggestions: Implementing these recommendations can significantly reduce the risk profile of chemical manufacturing plants, enhancing overall safety and ensuring compliance with industry standards

How much training do PSM Coordinators need?

Developing a program to ensure Process Safety Management (PSM) coordinators are well-trained is essential. Here’s a structured approach: Program Overview: Training for PSM Coordinators I. Introduction II. Program Goals III. Target Audience IV. Curriculum Design V. Training Methods VI. Assessment VII. Certification VIII. Resources IX. Ongoing Support X. Reporting and Documentation XI. Continuous Improvement XII. … More How much training do PSM Coordinators need?

What is a “Prudent Uninsured?”

When dealing with a transformer failure and uncertainty about insurance coverage, it’s crucial to act prudently. Here’s a detailed approach: 1. Initial Assessment: Safety First: Ensure the area is safe, and there’s no immediate risk to personnel or the plant’s operation. Transformer Inspection: Perform a thorough inspection to verify the internal damage indicated by testing. … More What is a “Prudent Uninsured?”

Creating a culture of Risk Openess

Let’s create a plan for a chemical manufacturing company to foster a culture of openness in reporting risk issues among the engineering team. To make this plan engaging and informative for engineers, I’ll structure it in a clear and actionable manner. 1. Leadership Commitment: 2. Risk Reporting Channels: 3. Training and Awareness: 4. Reporting Incentives: … More Creating a culture of Risk Openess

Power Transformer External Events

Addressing potential external events that could cause internal damage to a power transformer with increasing acetylene levels in monthly Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) tests is a critical concern for power engineers. Let’s delve into this with a detailed explanation. Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA): Before we discuss external events, it’s important to understand the role of … More Power Transformer External Events